Powerful Biolayer Interferometry Technology
What Exactly is Biolayer Interferometry?
Biolayer interferometry (BLI) is a label free biomolecular detection method created by Gator Bio co-founder, Hong Tan. In biolayer interferometry, biomolecular interactions are detected by measuring the interference pattern of white light reflected from the surface of a biosensor.
Gator Bio biosensors combine a 1mm diameter glass rod with patented optical layers and specialized surface chemistry built at the distal end of the biosensor. Biolayer interferometry compares the interference pattern of white light reflected from an internal reference layer within a layer of immobilized biomolecules on the surface chemistry of the biosensor. Shifts in interference due to the accumulation of biomolecules are monitored in real-time to sensitively analyze and calculate rates of association and dissociation among target proteins with high precision. Only the interactions of bound biomolecules are measured, making biolayer interferometry a powerful tool for a wide range of applications.

Do More with BLI
Our specially designed “long walkaway-time” enables users to replace their labor-intensive ELISA methods with a hands-free method for quantitation or other applications. Unlike more complicated methods of measurement, BLI uses reusable biosensors that dip into the well to measure. There are no complicated fluidics to maintain and the system is very robust and maintenance-free.
Benefits for your research

Real-time data

Microplate-based technique
(no complicated fluidics)


Useful for crude or purified samples

High Sensitivity
(small molecule to large biomolecular complexes)